this place is a star again
she dont know me like that but still she ask over and over and over again and all i do is proclaim there is nothing to it i hunger for something more in this life but the thin frail line below the surface haunts me for not searching a deeper faith in that which doesnt actually exist to begin with which brings me to my next point of faith that i havent caught up to yet but still i try try try and fail miserably just like that day when i tried to catch catch catch you but still i let you go hey you wanted to leave i failed in preventing it its over dont bring it up again or there will be trouble around these parts its in the middle of the highway and yet im not scared of tracing a line in the middle of the lane which looks surprisingly like myself but not unlike my father which gave me half my seed the leaves arent changing like they usually do because there is something in the air preventing a natural occurence of the season and most imporantly a natural birth something none of us will ever understand nor our god because god himself is only a creator not an understander of the certainies which nothing can prevent nor recollect upon when dealing with the truth play the hand your dealt and dont think twice about folding on the biggest mistake ive ever seen anyone not make in the presence of another savior that being you fall on your principles and ill laugh about the times when you yelled in my ears that it shouldnt wouldnt couldnt be done by any other than a true believer but here i stand without promise of a new day and yet can only give to you in one hand and keep the other solemnly hidden behind my helpless back its about time the light shown in this foresaken attic at which point the shadows point and laugh and i cant help but understand the inside joke is me
you have to start looking around to understand what is around
you have to start looking around
you have to start
you have to start today.
im sorry but it has to be said
Ok. Goddamn it. This is just a general announcement because I'm fucking sick of this shit. When you are driving on a fucking 4 lane road, STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THE FUCKING LEFT LANE UNLESS YOU ARE GOING TO DRIVE AT LEAST 10-15 MILES OVER THE SPEED LIMIT.
I am sick and fucking tired of having to follow a slow bastard in the left lane while some other slow driving is also clogging up the right lane. Its not the fuckers fault in the right lane for holding up traffic. Its you Mr. or Mrs. I DONT KNOW HOW THE FUCK TO DRIVE PROPERLY.
Its not that I have places to be or people to see, because frankly, I rarely do. But goddamn it. Let me get to my nowhere without having to ride on your slow fat ass for a couple of miles. FUCK FUCK FUCK. STAY OUT OF THE FUCKING LEFT LANE.
Some people are like... maybe their having car trouble(i'm like... i dont give a shit)... Guess what. Thats what the shoulder is for. Car trouble. Unless your having the "MY CAR WONT GO ANY SLOWER THAN 75 or 80 MPH" kind of car trouble, get the fuck out of there. fuck.
The left lane is there for people who like to get places without a hastle. They dont like to be bothered with jackasses fiddling with their dicks in the inappropriate lane. It only makes me ride your ass to piss you off, which in turn pisses you off and increases my chances or rear-ending you, causing the accident to be my fault, therefore further causing me to take the small tack-hammer i keep in my glove compartment and using it to bludgeon you in the fucking forehead until you see the error of your shitty driving ways. FUCK MY HEAD HURTS. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKK
Also. When you are about to get onto the loop, or any other road that requires an on-ramp, you have to pick up some momentum folks. You can't expect to drive slowly and actually get into traffic without a)causing a wreck or b)(most importantly) pissing me off. I cannot follow you going 35 and try to get on the loop which has a 65 speed limit. I almost get my ass runover following you, shit for brains. Its not acceptable. Next time this happens, I'm going to politely ram your car until it explodes. Fuck. DRIVING ISNT THAT HARD PEOPLE. ITS NOT. REALLY.
Now I'm at my final point. On the loop. There is a place (quite of a few actually, but this one in particular). This section of the loop contains an "on-ramp" and an "exit" which are the same little strip of road. And when I say little, I mean right around 5 yards. People trying to get left onto the loop are met by people trying to get right off the loop. Its sheer madness and fucking downright whacky. Every time I try to get off of that exit, I almost die. Honestly, what fucking genius at the DOT thought this was a good idea?
My third grade cousin who has a SEVERE bout of down syndrome comes up with ideas like this.
Here is a pretty picture Jay, my cousin, in 3rd grade, with down down down syndrome, would draw explaing his idea for that section of the loop.
Click on the pic to get the full experience
I love how Jay (my 3rd grade cousin. the one with ds) captures the idiocy of that exit/on-ramp.
I also love the rims that purple suv is sporting. Excellent Jay. you're retarded.
i know what i'll do. i'll go hop on 129 south and fall asleep at the wheel.
its official.
10 days. 10 fucking days. something has to happen.
you remind me of a wasted day
i am not a lonely person.
i am alone alot. but not lonely.
im not in the market for new friends. im certainly not saying that i am shut off from any new possible friendships. i just dont care about whether or not i make any new friends in my foreseeable future. what does this say about me? honestly, i dont know. i dont care. maybe thats what it says. i dont care if you notice the new flip flops im wearing. i dont care if you notice my new jeans. actually, they arent new. they are the same pair ive worn for the past 4 or 5 days straight. this is me, dont steal it. not that you could anyways. im gonna try being me for a while, and see how that works out. but, then again, ive been me all along, and i know how that story goes.
im not a lonely person. nor am i trying to convince you or myself. or myself.
im just alone. alot.
Random conversation about Frias not showing up downtown:
mr blue dot for a head: ...drinking
crimson: "so, wheres Frias? he coming or what?"
mr blue dot for a head: "nope. no show."
crimson: "damn"
mr blue dot for a head: ...
crimson: "you know, its me. Frias never goes anywhere if im there. its me."
mr blue dot for a head: "youre right. he fuckin hates you."
crimson: nods...
mr blue dot for a head: "but, then again, nobody likes you."
crimson: "good point."
the unbaptised and the virtuous pagans
im not bad.

Thursday, July 15 @ 9:00 PM
Georgia Theatre
Athens, GA
This night will rock your socks off. Promise.
Thats all you need to know.
Be there.
this place is called a star
cold am i
im beside myself
because theres no one else
have i grown
so blind
god could save you
if you knew your way to the light
so fly away
and leave it behind
just stay awake
there's nowhere to hide
i see you
cause you won't get out of my way
i hear you
cause you won't quit screaming my name
i feel you
cause you won't stop touching my skin
i need you
there coming to take you away
frail and dry
i could lose it all
but I cannot recall
its all wrong
dont cry
clear away this hate
and we can start to make it alright
so fly away
and leave it behind
return someday
with red in your eyes

i see you
cause you won't get out of my way
i hear you
cause you won't quit screaming my name
i feel you
cause you won't stop touching my skin
i need you
there coming to take you away

i see you
cause you won't get out of my way
i hear you
cause you won't quit screaming my name
i feel you
cause you won't stop touching my skin
i need you
there coming to take you away
i live a chemical life
last night was the 3rd night in a row.
it always begins the same, each time.
i'm standing in the middle of a field.
the sky is the this shade but non threatening.
for the longest time i only stand and gaze.
but i'm not worried about not knowing where i am, because secretly
i know exactly where i am.
and then
he appears.
He flies in from ahead,
I can see him for the entirety of his descent.
There is a small tree stump off to my right. He perches.
He is flawless.
he looks at me and tells me that he is only the messenger,
i am not special for being chosen
i am not to understand why it was given to me
i am only to know that it is a curse, not a gift
he then tells me that, in time, it will be revealed
i have to keep my eyes open, i will know the time.
and as soon as he appeared, he is gone
i walk over to the stump on which he spoke
this is burned into the wood
as im staring at it
i hear something approaching from behind
i feel pressure in the back of my head and i taste something hot
hot but sweet
just dont piss on me and tell me its raining

it is getting weird around here....
I saw
Kenny Rogers tonight. He was across the bar from me tonight at Outback. He was next to Indian Joe. It was happy hour. Kenny didn't appear to be to happy. I think he was bragging about a few of
these. I wasn't buying.
3 weeks
This is fucking rough. 2,4,3, and I'm not wanted right now. Well I don't want either. The blue and green is giving me a fucking headache.
get to play with the new digcam tomorrow. something good might come of it.
title of post
where i go, death precedes me.
on the way back to athens, i saw another.
this is the 3rd time in as many months.
this time, it was in the tree line, about 40 yards off of the actual interstate.
it couldn't have happened any longer than about 5 or 10 mins before i was there.
the driver was still inside the car, stretched out in his seat.
the car and luggage trailer had obviously flipped over. and over.
the state patrol officers and emts weren't doing anything except looking.
but then again, thats all i was doing.
i drove the next 2 hours in the loudest silence.
i'm 5 or 10 minutes late.
sickly shaped head but still not in my comfort zone
Its been awhile. too long actually. im home but nowhere near my home because if your homeless, you dont have a home, hence the less.
It taste like cotton around here, and frankly, i dont like it. not one bit. but then again, cotton is better than shatnasty, but nothing is as good as blood. nothing taste as sweet as blood.
4th of July
the other 11 4th's are just as good, but they dont ever get any respect, and when i say respect, i mean fireworks. but hey, fireworks are usually pretty lame and always leave me wanting less.
next year, i'll be celebrating independence day in october. why? because as an american, its my right to celebrate my nations birthday whenever the fuck i please. and july sucks.
im rambling...
i wish i could be more like spot. spot has his shit together.
the average length of a human life is 63 years (male and female combined)
2.7% of white males who make it to their 20th birthday die before the age of 30.
i am 2.7%
i have old dna.
The total length of DNA present in one adult human is calculated by the multiplication of
(length of 1 bp)(number of bp per cell)(number of cells in the body)
(0.34 x 10^-9 m)(6 x 10^9)(10^13)
2 x 10^13 meters
That is the equivalent distance from the earth to the sun and back.
On the average, a single human chromosome consists of DNA Molecule that is almost 5 centimeters.
tomorrow ill be back
and everything will look like abnormal
21 awesome things that happened lately:
1)Greece beat Portugal