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Sunday, October 31, 2004

sept has been destroyed

went to ga/fla this weekend.

this weekend was.

- florida is the trashiest state of the known 50.


Thursday, October 28, 2004

if you were expecting a hello, im not sorry to disappoint you.

i used to have trouble sleeping as a kid.
i could never fall asleep. i hated being awake and alone. i wanted either my mother or someone else to be awake with me until i was finally asleep. it was horrific to be the only one awake in the house and be unable to fall asleep. different combinations of tv on, tv off, nightlight on, fan on, fan off, door open-closed-somewhere in between, music on, music loud -- never worked. i would go through periods where i couldnt even try to sleep in my own room. i simply couldnt. i would wake up on the couch in the living room morning after morning. i was horrified to spend the night at someone elses house. i was afraid everyone else would fall alseep before i would, and then i'd be alone, desperately struggling to fall asleep, knowing that i wouldnt be able to.

i still have trouble sleeping some nights, but its not because im alone.


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

mommys orders - i cant come out and play.

so im in fitzgerald now. it feels the same, but it looks alot different.
this keyboard im using really feels different. i really dont like it at all, i keep having to use the backspace key every 2 seconds.

i was riding around when i first got into town. i noticed that the mcdonalds drive-thru is now open 24 hours. why the fuck does the drive-thru at mcdonalds in fitzgerald need to be open 24 hours? i mean, of course its nice because im used to shit being open 24/7. but who the hell here needs that? ahh, fuck it. at least if im drunk or going through an insomniatic state, i got somewhere to go hang out for a while. yay.

a few points:
- fuck ashlee simpson and mtv.
- fuck the asshole who had a slight fender bender on I75 and wouldn't move his goddamn car off to the side, and held up traffic for the better part of an hour.
- fuck the fa for banning ruud for 3 games. ashley cole is a bitch, and deserved worse.

halloween is fuckin badass. its my favorite time of year. horror movies kick ass. im going to be watching the shit out of some horror movies here shortly.
its about time this started getting some hype, and i cant wait to fuckin see it. seriously. if you have seen the first one, get your ass to the store, rent/buy it, and fucking watch it.

aparantly they are making a bloodrayne movie. i never really played the game, but kristanna loken is in it, and shes fuckin crazy hot, so...

Saw comes out this weekend. I will fucking be there at some point.

and no, you are the one who is the freak. bitch.


Sunday, October 24, 2004


i swear im not dead, that i know of.
its been a busy 2 weeks, and by busy, i mean me sitting on my ass nowhere near the computer.
i hate my computer, and i hate my fucking internet connection which now runs at somewhere around the speed of slow as fuck.

this has been the shittiest weekend ever. working all night long blows my ass.
the only thing that made this weekend somewhat worthwhile was man utd beating arsenal.

i saw team america and i laughed my ass off.
i think we might see the grudge tonight. 20 bucks says that sarah michelle whatthefuckever her name is will probably ruin it. and japanese people are weird too. they blur below the belt in porn for gods sake.

speaking of porn, this internet connection is completely killing my porn downloads. i hate you charter, but then again, the 8,342 viruses on my computer are probably all from my torrid addiction to a little slap happy. but honestly, who can blame me.

our puppy loves to shit and pee all over the carpet. then again, so do i, so i cant really get mad at him.

i cant remember the last time i showered, so i think i'll go do that now.


Thursday, October 14, 2004

i made a 100 on my human sexuality midterm. holy shit.


Tuesday, October 12, 2004

didnt know this existed, but for some reason, really wish it didnt.


Kee Lime Pie 301 (4:04:49 PM): wow, your friends really need to get a life

Auto response (4:04:49 PM): sis boom bah

Kee Lime Pie 301 (4:05:02 PM): probably you too


< EXIT >

i just got out of my human sexuality class. we had our midtrem today.
i have been to class about 5 times since the semester started.
and I didn't get much studying done. any is probably a better word.

the test consisted of 3 discussion questions. each question was answer either a or b.
fuck me.
i didnt know i was gonna have to write a response as to why i thought it was important to teach and encourage middle school girls to masturbate. my pen wasnt working so well, it just made a bunch of ugly lines. i think they formed the shape of some prominent figure in some random religious faction giving the stern look of... all those who masturbate burn in hell. he was looking at me like i was gonna burn in the hottest circ'de'flame for just having read middle school girls and masturbate in the same sentence... i think i failed my midterm.

and in other news, im pretty sure i have testicular cancer.


Monday, October 11, 2004

you were right. youre always right. i wish i could turn back the clock and listen to what you had to say back then. i couldnt, wouldnt. nothing stopped me except myself. now im wrinkly. and white. sometimes a tad bit purple around the edges. i know you arent laughing inside, because im not laughing outside. you wanna talk about instincts? mine tell me to slide.
do i?
they also tell me we're spinning downward and that salvation is only a word in the dictionary. i think i wrote that in a journal somewhere along time ago. but you wouldnt know that.
ive seen you in a light that i thought was only for my eyes. but the more i think about it, im not really sure what i saw. or who else has seen it. i suddenly dont feel so alone.
you read your script, suddenly i realize its time for me to say my line, but i never even opened my copy. so i just stare at you while you read me. i blink a few times to throw you off, and then wonder why. gulping down any hope i didnt have. you scold me, but its ok this time. we both laugh about it, but know next time, i wont have opened anything. the movie has started, we're 20 mins in, and im still trying to figure out where the hell i need to sit.


attention to detail

you must see this movie when it comes out. its gonna be something.

and it seems that my post counter has been frozen at 62 for the last few weeks. fuckin blogger.


i thought something was wrong.

so there arent any good movies out right now, that i know of.

we were bored, we went to see avp.
this is one of those movies you know is going to be bad. but you think, hey, we'll all go together, it might be somewhat entertaining, at least something to laugh at, and its only costing a dollar (2 actually.)

fuck me. i didnt know it was gonna be that bad.
and the whole time all i could think of was how its trouble living like a good boy oughta.

the three rules laid down by the head black chick:
1. nobody go anywhere alone (will last all of 2 minutes.)
2. always maintain radio contact (will last about 30 seconds longer than rule 1. maybe.)
3. when unexpected things happen, which they will, nobody try to be the hero (aka all white people cry like little bitches, head black chick think quickly, then do something really smart, which turns out to be really stupid, italian guy then try to undo stupid thing black chick did, regret trying to be hero, and finally die.)

eh, i was almost on target. in the neighborhood if you will.

beckham is whining.


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

flowing glower

this is going to be fun.
why? because i like punishment. punishment to the masses you motherfuckers.

i watched 9/11 last night. we built a fire before it started. it made the experience dimensional. after watching it, i didnt really know what to think. there are always 2,334 sides to every story. i came to the conclusion that i dont want a politician for president.

i want richard dean anderson

as the head mofo. i wondered if i was alone in wishing this, so i googled on it. turns out i might be the only one, however i did learn that there are some out there who confuse howard dean with macgyver. (and i bet not a single fucking one of you know macgyvers first name without first googlin for it.)

im really starting to get pissed off about the ice cream situation.
i really really really fuckin dig edys cookies n cream seen here:

but, its NEVER at the fucking grocery store anymore. ever. oh sure, the fucking sticker is there in the freezer and it says cookies n cream on it, but there arent any behind it. fuck, this is making me mad.
they have plenty of fucking french vanilla and peanut butter cup. if i fucking wanted peanut butter cup, id eat a god damn reeses. i want my fucking cookies n cream you motherfuckers. now.

there is an xbox sittin on my floor that i bought 3 weeks ago. ive played it about 3 times. way to piss away money guy, awesome.

first 3 images from googles image search on "nobody likes you":


let us play,
our holy father:
i realize that i have asked before, but please, PLEASE stop this shit, please quit preventing my soulmate from reaching me, hurry up and let me see THIS, enlighten me as to who the fuck would do this, and finally, dont watch while im masturbating. it happens often, and i get quite gunshy.

p.s. - please make my birthday a national holiday. i think i deserve it and it would be pretty dang swell. later.


Tuesday, October 05, 2004

im addicted

screenits review of house of 1000 corpses
. brilliant.

my favorite line:
All of those involved in kidnapping, torturing, mutilating and killing others obviously have extreme cases of bad attitudes.

wtf? you fuckin serious?


Sunday, October 03, 2004

this is fuckin awesome....

"Cruel Intentions" / a review from Christian Spotlight on the Movies


Friday, October 01, 2004

my future wife
