Kee Lime Pie 301 (4:04:49 PM): wow, your friends really need to get a life
Auto response (4:04:49 PM): sis boom bah
Kee Lime Pie 301 (4:05:02 PM): probably you too
leftsideheart |
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
be gone
+ still my favorite +
+ my son peter +
these pictures move
wtf. murdoc is scary.murdoc on fight night.
see to believe
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- < EXIT >
- you were right. youre always right. i wish i c...
- attention to detail
- i thought something was wrong.
- flowing glower
- im addicted
- this is fuckin awesome.... "Cruel Intentions" / a...
- my future wife
- another stupid away message: You want to know so...
- sad news on the morning of September 30th Jimin...
thieves of dream

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