leftsideheart |
Thursday, September 30, 2004
You want to know something pathetic yet funny, You actually taking the time to read my extremely boring message. (thats the pathetic part).the funny part is that I'm sitting in front of the computer screen ...laughing.
im glad they took the time to explain where the pathetic and funny parts were.
sad news on the morning of September 30th
Jiminy Cricket is dead

at the age of 64
(1,304,324,32134121341,324 cricket years)
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
i cant see. i cant hear. i cant fucking move. it will be like this for 3 days.but i do not give a shit.
why? because i lost my shit. right before i got my ass and my face rocked off.
thank you bb, from the bottom of my severly fucked up heart.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
if you auto-hide the taskbar, you are a bitch.
so i just got out of my human sexuality class. this is the first time i've been in 3 weeks. one of the hardest classes to actually get into at this school, and i cant even make it at 11am. i didnt know learning about masturbation, sex, porn, and all things crimson could be so. boring.now i have an hour or so to burn before my next class.
its been a pretty fucking busy weekend.
murdoc came up saturday and nicklepete showed up yesterday.
we're almost done with the bar upstairs now, i think its turning out pretty swell.
we drank alot last night. im surprised i woke up at all today.
but when i woke up i realized it was tuesday.
the 28th.
and on tuesday the 28th, breaking benjamin is playing at the cotton club.
and we'll be there.
me, murdoc, nicklepete, keel, kyle, and aheart are gonna be there. if you're not, its only because your a bitch. no big deal. (murdoc, by the way, doesnt update his blog because he is a douchebag. and nicklepete has a post about the concert tonight.)
tonight, we will fight for out lives against the disgruntled youth of the atlanta area. the last bb mosh pit was ugly. i expect this one to be even uglier. all i ask is that my nose isn't broken and that i still have all my teeth when i leave. and maybe my privates to be unscathed. everything else is fair game i suppose. (no gouging of the eyes, however, unless i am the said gouger.)
Thursday, September 23, 2004
now, i dont like them.
here is a good example of why:
"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named 'Bush', 'Dick', and 'Colon.' Need I say more?"
Copyright CRISTINA RIVERA but its so my away message cuz natalie is cooler than CRISTINA RIVERA!
death to your aim.
this is more to the point
the red and black today had a review of american idiot.the guy gave it a c-
i give him a c for cunt.
im really sorry its not up to par with the latest hoobastank or saliva.
im really sorry green day didnt follow along with linkin parks formula of a+b=c success.
(where a is a couple of no-talent pussies, b being the current state of honest music[its bleeding badly from both ears], and c giving us a helter-skelter grab bag of diluted feces which is ultimately the dagger through the heart of something i have grown very passionate about over the past few years.)
anyways, i get i shouldnt think about it too much. he does write for the red and black. that paper is a breeding ground for the opinions of fucking morons.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
im not afraid
and that frightens me
im so fucking sick of ?s
i dont want an answer
i want a wall to stick to that doesnt involve you fill in the blank
i want to turn the page and find a hole
i want to be stretched
then i'll look for my wall
it doesnt look so comfortable tonight
but it is
it always is
thats why we are exactly the same
because we never change
dont ask.
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
american idiot
it came out today. i got it today.its awesome.
you will like it too.

jesus was in line in front of me at bestbuy. he was getting it.
i really cant stand it when people give a speech/presentation
and throw in "umm" every other goddamn sentence
i understand that its awkward for some people to get up
and talk about shit in front of large groups, but fuck
make a conscious effort not to because it makes you look stupid
today, a girl gave a little speech on weight watchers and some other shit (i think)
she said "umm" 115 times, and that was only after i started counting
and when i wasn't on planet whatthefuckisthisbitchtalkingaboutsorryiwasntlistening
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Thursday, September 16, 2004
lets try this again, and again, from the top.
me, keel, and cookieman went and saw napoleon dynamite again earlier. its really is a fucking awesome movie. HOWEVER, i can completely understand why some people didnt like it. or didnt think it was funny. or thought it was stupid. i understand why these people are not fans of napoleon dynamite. because they are complete fucking idiots. nd doesn't have any big explosions. there are no random titties thrown in (dont get me wrong, im a huge fan or random titties, but they aren't a necessity), and there is no speedy car chase that ends up with someone getting their face decapitated. this movie has a sense of humor that requires an iq above, lets say, mentally retarded to get. so guess what? its cool that you dont like it. its also cool that you drool alot and shit your pants every so often.
the target audience:

not the target audience:

the more i think about it, the more i realize that its ok though.
thats why movies like daredevil, queen of the damned, frailty, and anything with or that has any kind of link to queen latifah keep getting made.
thank you douchebags. and stupid bitches.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
i like to dive head-first into the shallow end.
i had to make a webdesign project for an intro to webdesign class awhile back.
this is what i made a few hours before the project was due. i was also reading hamlet at the time.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

mtv should be wprsmafdl(i-brftd/rstoftanaw)tv
[we play really shitty music all fucking day long (in-between really fuckin trashy dating/reality shows that only fucking teenieboppers and niave assholes watch) tv]
the new green day video is one of the best music videos ive ever seen. honestly.
its fucking awesome.
i downloaded it. i got 3 copies of it because i just happened to click on a couple because i figured one would download faster. well, i forgot to cancel them. so i have like 3 different versions from different channels that show it.
guess which one is different. mfuckintv. why? because mtv is the lamest fucking channel ive ever seen. ever.
mtv takes this:
(keep in mind this is the exact same part of the video)

mtv decided they would edit the video.
because its fucking mtv.
you can show:


and even:

but not -

fuck mtv.
and also.
jesus... thank you so much for kids like grit who made the vanilla ice page.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
is everybody ready to learn???
the last 3 days i've been going through and uploading all my cds onto the comptuer through itunes. its a real bitch too. im only like 1/3 of the way done, maybe. and of course, its fucking killing my hard drive. im having to go through and get rid of alot of the shit i dont really use anymore, which really isnt a bad thing, just more of a pain in the ass. and since im kinda on a support bands kick by actually buying the music, itunes is pretty useful.right now, im about 1/2 through my 20 green day cd's.
So theres only like 2 more weeks until the breaking benjamin concert. For the last 2 or 3 days I've been reading the shallowbay.net messageboard because, it seems, a few days ago the lead singer Ben phoned the drummer, Jeremy, to inform him that "his services were no longer needed" in the band. Everyone is fucking bitching about how nice of a guy Jeremy is and that they are swearing off the band forever, calling them assholes and whatnot. Ben is especially getting alot of heat from everyone; he's getting made out to be the asshole. Honestly, reading these peoples responses, I find that the majority posting on the message board to be dumbasses. Maybe Ben is an asshole. If you're the creative talent behind a successful band, which sells records, guess what, you've earned the right to be whatever the fuck you want. shut the fuck up already.
the manu game is on.
Monday, September 13, 2004
our house is a picnic basket. my bedroom is the potato salad.
Thursday, September 09, 2004
like a dog shittin razor blades
I found some articles about driving and health. Check them out on my post.
its pretty heavy shit.
its keels birthday.
time to get fucked up.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
i apologize, i'll smile this time.
i just noticed that my last few posts have been, well... "not very upbeat." i'm sorry to those of you who are optimist and love to look at the positive side. i'm sure that these last few posts haven't been to your liking, and since i'm here to please you, i thought i would shed a little bit of light on this dark and dismal place.
here are somethings that make me "happy":
1. mountain dew
2. roller coasters (not the pussy kind, mind you)
3. family guy
4. wet noodles
5. checking up on your blog, everyday. (not everyday now, thanks to you charter. FUCK!!! wait, back to the happy)
6. orgasms
7. sleep
8. fried rice
9. corona (extra, not light)
10. reading about really ignorant assholes in the red and black, even though the red and black, as a whole, is pretty much flat out fucking shitty.
11. naps
12. naps after orgasms
13. $1 tequila shots (NOT $1 shots I say, only tequila)
14. assassination of foreign leaders
15. the peace treaty of versailles
16. the "footprints in the sand" poem. (im fucking kidding.)
17. learning about the bugs of our lives
18. hearing about bitches i really hate who have gotten knocked up by really trashy douchebags (this is in my top 5 probably)
19. french cinema
20. seeing how many times i can fit "fuck", "kill", "liver", and "diebitchdie" into my daily crossword puzzle
21. the epl
22. really good and really bad pornography
23. fucking your mom.
things which easily distract me:
1. really bright colors
2. shiny objects
3. boobs
i have to finish my paper now.
hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the million man march
ok. so im at the student learning center. this place fucking sucks. i have a paper to write. and what is it about? my fucking hometown. awesome. as if this fucking day wasn't shitty enough already, i have to fill 3-5 pages of bullshit about my homefuckingtown. fuck. why am i at the learning center? oh, i know. its because our modem is fucked up at the house. charter is really sorry they can't send someone out before next monday to fix the problem. color me fucking surprised. charter, not being able to do shit for weeks. its completely understandable, its only your fucking job to ensure that cable and internet is working wherever you provide it. buts its ok to leave people without it for a week or 3, fuck 'em, they'll get by, im sure. god dammit this sucks. my feet are fucking soaked and its cold as a mother fucker in here. i cant fucking uplaod any pictures dammit.
the only fucking thing that happened today that didnt add to mounting thoughts of suicide was my breaking benjamin ticket arrived. only 3 more weeks of the same day in and out bullshit. fuck.
god. please give me back my interent. and kill all stupid people.
Saturday, September 04, 2004
ok. i just got back from downtown. and all i got from it was a reinforcement of the fact that i fucking hate people. all people. in general. 99% of the population is trash or fucking stupid. i'd say most of that 99% are both trash and fucking stupid. i swear to god, i guess it was just worse this weekend because of the home game, but i really wanted to fucking bleed alot of fuckers to death. i wanted the deaths to be painful. and i wanted those in pain to understand how fucking trashy and stupid they were in their dying moment. 99%.
hello 99%, please stay the fuck away. always, me.
Thursday, September 02, 2004
z is watching the passion in the living room. i can hear it. the only things im really getting from it are a bunch of people yelling all the time. the sound of flesh being either whipped, torn, or stabbed. and i swear just a second ago I heard Bobcat Goldthwait from the police academy movies.