its really dark in here.
im not afraid
and that frightens me
im so fucking sick of ?s
i dont want an answer
i want a wall to stick to that doesnt involve you fill in the blank
i want to turn the page and find a hole
i want to be stretched
then i'll look for my wall
it doesnt look so comfortable tonight
but it is
it always is
thats why we are exactly the same
because we never change
dont ask.
leftsideheart |
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
be gone
+ still my favorite +
+ my son peter +
these pictures move
wtf. murdoc is scary.murdoc on fight night.
see to believe
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- american idiot
- i really cant stand it when people give a speech/...
- yeah, hang on.... its serial #shutthefuckupalready
- their flesh is tastier in the evenings
- lets try this again, and again, from the top.
- i like to dive head-first into the shallow end.
- mtv should be wprsmafdl(i-brftd/rstoftanaw)tv
- is everybody ready to learn???
- our house is a picnic basket. my bedroom is the po...
- like a dog shittin razor blades
thieves of dream

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