mtv should be wprsmafdl(i-brftd/rstoftanaw)tv
[we play really shitty music all fucking day long (in-between really fuckin trashy dating/reality shows that only fucking teenieboppers and niave assholes watch) tv]
the new green day video is one of the best music videos ive ever seen. honestly.
its fucking awesome.
i downloaded it. i got 3 copies of it because i just happened to click on a couple because i figured one would download faster. well, i forgot to cancel them. so i have like 3 different versions from different channels that show it.
guess which one is different. mfuckintv. why? because mtv is the lamest fucking channel ive ever seen. ever.
mtv takes this:
(keep in mind this is the exact same part of the video)

mtv decided they would edit the video.
because its fucking mtv.
you can show:


and even:

but not -

fuck mtv.
and also.
jesus... thank you so much for kids like grit who made the vanilla ice page.
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