i was reading the news tonight on yahoo. i was bored.
i came across this article. its basically alot of bullshit about the Parental Television Council coming down hard on MTV for showing "sleazy" programming all the time. what fucking pisses me off is that the article totally misses all the major points which need to be brought to light.
#1 - PTC, youre a bullshit council anyways. get the fucking stick out of your fat asses and turn your fucking kids tv off if you dont want them watching something. if they turn it back on, beat the little sumbitches like they owe you money. kids should be beaten anyways. fucking stupid kids.
#2 - MTV (see my earlier post about those fuckers here) should be targeted for claiming to be music television. why? because they fucking aren't. they are a bunch of stupid assholes running their stupid fucking mouths - minus all music television. please clear up the confusion by changing your name to STDSTV (sleazy-trashy dating shows television.)
#3 - The entire Janet Jackson fiasco. Everybody is looking at this entirely wrong. It isn't the fact that there was a breast shown at half-time of the super bowl. The problem is that Janet Jackson's titty is one of the most disgusting things anyone has laid eyes on... ever. Everyone who has had to see that monstrosity of a fucking breast should be outraged. FCC - focus on whats important (no more nasty tits like that please.) HALF TIME SHOW PERFORMERS - PLEASE DO NOT SHOW YOUR TITTIES IF IT IS GOING TO MAKE ME VOMIT IN MY MOUTH.
leftsideheart |
Thursday, February 03, 2005
be gone
+ still my favorite +
+ my son peter +
these pictures move
wtf. murdoc is scary.murdoc on fight night.
see to believe
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