events of the evening
6:00 PM - watch manu game again with chad. enjoy it through and through. fuck arsenal.8:00 PM - on a high because of manu game. the kind of high that makes you think... "hey, im feelin good, i'll shave with an electric razor tonight instead of being a lazy fuck and using the trimmer like always"
8:10 PM - shave with electric razor.
8:30 PM - look at self in mirror. see face that hasnt been seen since circa 3rd grade.
8:45 PM - come down off high. fucking regret using electric razor. son of a bitch.
8:55 PM - fucking regret using electric razor.
9:15 PM - definately fucking regret using electric razor.
9:45 PM - get ass whooped at halo. all while regretting using electric razor.
10:30 PM - decide to make blogpost regarding hatred of electric razors. still regret using electric razor.
*somewhere between 9:45 and 10:30 find more pictures of asswhooping that took place at Highbury today. enjoy.

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