thank you for not making me kill you.
so, like, i had my 2nd midterm in anthropology today. i hate that class.
the test consists of 24 words, you have to choose 20 of them and write a few sentences about it. umm, yeah.
if you want a glimpse of how it went, heres an answer i gave.
i'm not really sure what this is, but i think en fuego means "on fire" in spanish. or i could be an idiot.
i actually got to campus at around 10 this morning. i parked downtown. put 50 cent in the meter, knew my car would be there like 2 hours without the meter on, so i figured i'd get a ticket. when i got back around 2, first thing i noticed was that i didn't have a ticket. next thing was that my meter was still on. i checked to see how much time i had, 45 mins. not really sure how the hell that worked out, but rock on meter.
oh yeah, fuck peta.
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