fuck little kids. fuck 'em.
my roomie is a youth soccer coach. i fucking hate kids. anyways, he showed us this note a 10 year old girl wrote him after their game this morning. apparantly he didn't let her play quite as long as he told her she could.

notice how else! is underlined. 5 fucking times.
this pretty much brings me to my final point. little kids should be beaten into fucking submission. be it with a fist, a backhand to the fucking cheek, or even a 2x4 to the fucking back of the cranium, you shouldn't take any pity on the little fuckers. they're fucking sneaky, and when you least expect it, they will sneak up on you and try to kill you. or at least try to mangle your genitalia. fuck those little brats. save a friend and beat a little kid.
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