bumfuck nowhere
Today, I was going through a stack of pictures from the past 2 years of school. Lots of memories. Good and Bad.
About 3/4 of the way through the stack, I came across a really special picture. A picture which took me back to freshman year, damn, almost 3 years ago.
Me, Nick, and Chase were partaking in one of our occasional all day movie passes. After the 9 o'clock show, we walked out to my car. I almost didn't notice it at first because it was raining. The picture was under my windshield wiper. The following 10 minutes were of complete confusion (mixed with random segments of humor and vomiting.)
What would you think if you found this on your windshield?

What would your reaction be if you flipped the picture over to reveal this?

the handprint jumped out at me

please let the ass and the rest of melissa know that she failed in getting her message to the correct person. if you recognize the handprint, maybe you could do some detective work to find out who melissa is. if you do find her, you may also let her know that her ass is proabably now responsible for causing some kid in bumfuck iowa one horrible masturbation experience.
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